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Kundalini / Mata Shakti 

I have practiced yoga for about 35 years, sometimes consistently & sometimes much less consistently! I am so grateful that the practice of yoga invariably comes spiraling back around into my life, opens the door, turns the light on, and tirelessly rolls out the carpet (or mat) yet once again.


I love to share what I've learned from this practice of yoga - the deep healing that can happen by slowing down and tapping into one's own energetics. And lymph flow for sure in Kundalini, with all the repetitive pumping actions allowing for freedom in flow, tonifying the nervous system, which is itself drained via the lymph system. Renewables.

There are so many different Kundalini yoga sets and breathing meditations to choose from. And all of the ones I have ever tried have had a really profound effect. Some are physically challenging, some are challenging for your sense of time and like, omg I could be doing something useful like scrolling on my phone right now! is this really an efficient use of my time?! i should!. i should!!.. --  a commtiment is made to remain in place for the allotted time and to deeply listen to what higher self is even talking about. You progress through various states of blissy or pissy... You have committed to stay with yourself...


Resistance begins to melt and flow, as does the lymph system.  Profound realizations can seem to come out of nowhere, so that you are changed every time you practice. Bit by bit. Like a daily tonic. In essence, an experience of your source energy Self, a reverent communion with yourself.


You don't have to dress any certain way ~ just comfortably


We become healthier. We warm up, shake it up a bit, re-direct and channel the elixirs of life ~ lymph, blood, water, hormones & light. We increase lung capacity and oxygenation. We support our lymph and make better daily choices. We are more clear. 



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